

It's almost winter, and it is cold and snowy! During these days we are going to create a winter landscape. First we are going to make some snowflakes. 


You need 
  • white paper, 
  • a ruler (optional), 
  • a pencil (optional)
  • and scissors.
In the following website you can find the steps to make some beautiful ones. 

Find out more ideas in the following website:



 In this unit we are going to work with two important elements in art:  Colour and Shape. 

Lesson 1: Colour theory

Thanks to Sir Isaac Newton, colours are categorised in the colour wheel:

We use the Colour Theory to make intelligent decisions when thinking about what colours to use in an artwork.
This 12-section colour wheel describes relationships between different colours and it help us to decide what colours to use deppending on the effects we need in our artworks.


  • PRIMARY COLOURS: Red, blue and yellow.:
  • SECONDARY COLOURS: A colour resulting from 2 primary colours: orange, green and purple.
  • TERTIARY COLOURS: The colour resulting when we mix the same amount of a primary colour and a secondary colour.

Task 1: Under the sea.

Colour a sea landscape with at least 6 fish using primary colours for the bodies, secondary colours for the head and tertiary colours for the fins.

Task 2: Watch the video and learn more about colours, and the theory of colours

Task 3: Play the creating colours game.




In this project we are going to create a colourful masterpiece using an important element of Art: lines.
At the same time we will reinforce landscapes, that is another big learning objective in Art.

Lesson 1. Let's learn about different types of lines:

We will draw different type of lines and then we will think of the use we can give to them in our pictures. 

Lesson 2 and 3: Watercolours techniques

We watch the techniques on the following video and practise them in our sketchpad.

In this site bellow you can find more interesting information about watercolours techniques:

Lesson 4. What is a landscape in Art?

We will learn what a landscape is. After that we will find out about different types of landscapes.

landscape painting or drawing refers to an artwork whose primary focus is natural scenery, such as mountains, forests, cliffs, trees, rivers, valleys, etc

This genre is normally divided into three categories: representational, impressionistic and abstract.

Representational Landscape Art

Artworks representing something with strong visual references to the real world.
It is art that is clearly identifiable as something which already exists in life.

Impressionistic Landscape Art

Before impressionism, landscapes in art were often imaginary, perfect landscapes painted in the studio. The impressionists changed all that. They painted outdoors. As they were outside, they looked at how light and colour changed the scenes. They often painted thickly and used quick (and quite messy) brush strokes.

Abstract Landscape Art

Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. In an abstract landscape piece of art, the artist may put the landscape in the background of the painting, and in the foreground he or she may put more emphasis on a particular element, such as a distinctively shaped tree branch, or the shadow casted by any huge object.


There are natural, rural and urban views of the landscape in painting. Each of them has varieties and features.





Lesson 5: Let's paint a landscape.

Use your favourite lines and your favourite topic to create a beautiful landscape in your sketchpad. Try to use at least 2 different watercolours techniques.

You can use some ideas from the following website: